Summary of Presentation for Snow Crash


Our presentation will be center around how we agree at many points with Neal Stephenson's vision of the future most specifically the role of the Internet (i.e. the Metaverse) in this future society. We will uses our sources to show that this creation of the Metaverse from the advancement of technology and comoputer networking is actually feasible in the future. We realize that this vision may not seem to be able to come true in the next ten years so we have set a time period of 75 to 100 years to allow this to occur. Presently there are efforts to lay the groundwork of this technology but they are about 10 to 15 years off of completing this large task. The reason we put a such a long time period for this to occur is because we beleive it will take some time for this system of network interaction to "work out all the kinks" and to allow sophisticated computer terminals to be created.